Siri and Jack are 12 year olds with major problems. They don't know how to be normal. Both their parents and families don't seem to have an inkling about what normal means. For example, Jack's family thinks having a good time is learning a Mozart string quartet together. Siri's family enjoys trying to solve Riemann's Hypothesis, a math problem which no one in the world has ever solved. Siri wanders around the neighborhood carrying a ukele on her back and a basketball under her arm. Jack travels with a backpack filled with art materials and a clarinet. Wherever they go, they disturb the peace - just because they are different.
Siri and Jack just want to fit into the world around them, but realizing that they don't stand a chance, they decide to create their own social group - The Epitome Club, a group of misfits in the town who meet in an old shack in the woods after school.
Since these stories are in the making, I am doing research to find out what kind of stories YOU, as readers would like to read about. If you would like to be part of The Wack Wilds of Siri and Jack Project, you can!!! You can share your ideas and story-lines on this blog! Your ideas can help me flesh out the characters of Siri and Jack, and may even appear in the final book!
(Please note that if you write your story here, you are giving me permission to use it for my book!)
I like the scarves as a sign!
Keep going with that thread..
"A sudden flurry above their head startled them. A roosting pigeon in the corner of the awning slapped her wings at them as if to say "Beware, depart! Do not enter!"
yikes!!! What happened to poor jack?! I like your dramatic flare.
" Siri ran home, climbed into her bed and pulled the covers over her head. She would have to rethink everything; try to wake up from this nightmare. Maybe that's all it was - a bad dream. After all, church bells and school bells didn't ring in the middle if the night. Maybe Jack didn't scream either."
(Adding off of Valerie) The lights in the house that used to shine out of the windows looked like they were gone for good, and the lamppost that stood on the street was still and dull, when there used to be scarves wrapped around the front, a Jensen family tradition.
Jack took out his tool box, Siri sharpening her observant eyes, and together, with Siri’s hand grasped around the doorknob, eased into the Jensen’s house.
Siri was running towards jack. His screams were louder then the church bell and the school bell combined. She looked and looked, but the screams started to fade. What’s left of it had turned to dust .”JACK!!” Siri belched,”JACK!! This is not funny!!” Siri hurried to his home only to find all the lights out. She thought for decades until she got a plan. A very risky plan.
"Middlesburgh was not a small town; nor was it a big town. It was just big enough so that if an entire family disappeared, nobody would notice until the grass on their front lawn got raggedy about the knee; or until Miss Edna Wilson, the choir director, furrowed her brow with annoyance and reported the truancies to the principal.
When the Jensen family disappeared, nobody noticed except Siri and Jack. Nobody paid attention when they said over and over again, "That family's in trouble. They've been taken."
"Don't be ridiculous!" The adults said, rolling their eyes.
"They're just on vacation."
But Siri and Jack knew better than to sit back and wait for the adults to wake up. Siri grabbed…